Food Pantry Friday!!
over 1 year ago, Barbara Akins
Food Pantry
FHS Announcements
over 1 year ago, Joanna Keeney
Foreman High School Daily Announcements  Good morning, Gators!  Today’s date is: August 29, 2023     Blood Drive today in the cafeteria.     If you have signed up for Student Council, there will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday Aug. 31st @ 11:40 am in Mrs. Samantha Smith’s classroom. If you are not present at this meeting you will no longer be apart of the Student Council. See Mrs. Smith for any questions.     Student led Bible Study during both outside lunches today.     9-12 grade FCA members stop by the library this week to vote for officers. Mrs. Smith will count the ballots on Friday.        Today, the cafeteria will be serving: 1. Boneless Orange Wings 2. Boneless Honey BBQ Wings
Your Lady Gators WIN, again!!!!! JH and Varsity both are coming home winners tonight against Lafayette!!!! WTG, girls! Look at those faces!!!!
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
varsity wins
JH Wins
FHS GRADUATES WE NEED YOU! Please read the attached flyer and fill out the survey!
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
Career fair
FHS Announcements
over 1 year ago, Joanna Keeney
Today’s date is: August 28, 2023     Blood Drive is August 29th in the cafeteria. Sign-up sheets are beside Mrs. Samantha Smith’s room. Student’s 16 or older can give blood, if you are under age 18 you need a minor consent form signed by your parent, please ask Mrs. Smith for this form. If you signed up for Student Council 10-12 grade only and would like to work the blood drive, see Mrs. Samantha Smith.  For anyone signed up to be apart of student council, there will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday Aug. 31st @ 11:40 am in Mrs. Samantha Smith’s classroom. If you are not present at this meeting you will no longer be apart of the Student Council. See Mrs. Smith for any questions.     Student led Bible Study during both outside lunches tomorrow.     Golf release @ 1pm, Volleyball @ 2:23        Today, the cafeteria will be serving: 1. Crispy Chicken Sandwich 2. Corndog
Lifetouch pictures will be on Wednesday, August 30th on both campuses. OHE order forms went out Friday. ABC forms were out last week and may still be given out this week. FHS forms will be available in the ELA classrooms. You can also order online at using the codes in the post. Prek- 11th grade retakes will be in October. Senior picture retakes are in December.
over 1 year ago, Leah Beall
Lifetouch Fall Pictures will be Wednesday, 08/30/2023. You can order online at using these codes:ABC Prek & High School Code EVTTWV4DJ. OHE's code is EVTTHM4F6.
2023-2024 Gator Marching Band Led by FHS Band Director Michael Burer #GMB
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
Our Joe Rice Academy students helped out the Foreman Community Foundation get ready for Pecan Festival this week. Great work, Jason Trim, Samantha Coffman, Michael Webb, Jaicee Alford, and Caden Alford!!!!
over 1 year ago, Richard McMillan
Helping out
helping out
helping out
helping out
over 1 year ago, Richard McMillan
FHS Announcements
over 1 year ago, Joanna Keeney
Blood Drive is August 29th in the cafeteria. Sign-up sheets are beside Mrs. Samantha Smith’s room. Student’s 16 or older can give blood, if you are under age 18 you need a minor consent form signed by your parent, please ask Mrs. Smith for this form. If you signed up for Student Council 10-12 grade only and would like to work the blood drive, see Mrs. Samantha Smith.  For anyone signed up to be apart of student council, there will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday Aug. 31st @ 11:40 am in Mrs. Samantha Smith’s classroom. If you are not present at this meeting you will no longer be apart of the Student Council. See Mrs. Smith for any questions.        Today, the cafeteria will be serving: 1. Pepperoni Pizza 2. Popcorn Chicken
FHS Parents, this is for you! Your child logged into their HAC account today during school. They should be able to walk you through it! This is your way to view your child's grades in every class.
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
hac link
One week from today!! August 30th! Picture forms will be sent home on Friday!! Can also pay online at with ID EVTTHM4F6
over 1 year ago, Barbara Akins
Picture Day
FHS Announcements
over 1 year ago, Joanna Keeney
Gator Gear forms are due today.     Sport pictures are today!        CAPS today, students if you’re not sure where to go for CAPS during lunch today, ask you morning teachers. Seniors please go to Mrs. Davis’ classroom for CAPS. 7-12 please go to your “class of” google classroom & vote for class officers. 10-12 vote on homecoming court today. Voting for both closes this afternoon.      Staff please don’t forget faculty meeting during either lunch tomorrow.     Sign-up for FFA Officer is beside Mrs. Young’s Office, FCA sign-up is by the library, Drama Club sign up is by the library     Blood Drive is August 29th in the cafeteria.     Today, the cafeteria will be serving: 1. Pizza Pasta 2. Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
Another WIN for the Lady Gator Volleyball Team!!!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
Thank you Harvest Foods for a $1500 contribution towards household items for our food pantry!
over 1 year ago, Barbara Akins
Harvest Foods
It's that time again! FHS is hosting our first blood drive of the year! Remember, the units we collect this year will help award a deserving senior a scholarship. Make plans to be here! Call the office 870-542-7212 or message Mrs. Davis to schedule your appt!
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
blood drive
FHS Announcements
over 1 year ago, Joanna Keeney
Today’s date is:August 22, 2023  Gator Gear on sale this week, pick up your forms in the library. Forms are due by Wed. Aug 23rd.   FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meeting Tuesday the 22nd during both outside lunches.           Sport pictures are Wed. Aug. 23        CAPS tomorrow, if you don’t know where to go, please ask a teacher.       Students go to your google classroom and vote for class officers, voting                    Ends Wed. afternoon.  Today, the cafeteria will be serving: 1. Chicken Nuggets 2. Hot & Spicy Chicken Sandwich
Football, Cheer, and Golf pictures will be Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Forms can be picked up in the ELA classrooms, and you can also order online through using the code EVTH3RGZW.
over 1 year ago, Leah Beall
Lifetouch Sports pictures for football, cheer, and golf will be Wednesday, August 23rd. You can order online through using the code EVTH3RGZW.
over 1 year ago, Kamille Davis
FHS Announcements
over 1 year ago, Joanna Keeney
Gator Gear on sale this week, pick up your forms in the library. Forms are due by Monday the 21st.   FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meeting Tuesday the 22nd during both outside lunches.           Sport pictures are Wed. Aug. 23  Today, the cafeteria will be serving: 1. Chicken Nachos 2. Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza